About Us

This is the place to share exciting (EggSiting!) information about the places we, as a tour, live in.

Send in your finds, photos, videos, places to go, things to see & do, bars, restaurants, services, where to have fun, etc. and we will publish them for the tour's use.
This blog's purpose is to help each other find what we're looking for in new environments.

Share your knowledge, it can be precious to others!!!

Please send your information to eggsite.mail@gmail.com or fill in a "Contact Us" form on this blog, and/or comment on existing postings through the blog (there is a place to comment below each post!).

Join us in creating the first Cirque du Soleil blog!!!

Thank you and we hope you enjoy it,

Fabi Magni- the EggSite Founder, CEO and Administrator
Lucy Ifrah- the EggSite Manager and Administrator
(the Official Partners keeping busy!!!)


Changing tour!!

Hello everybody!!

So, I had a great time in OVO and I totally love people there!

but... we all need some change, so Fabri and I (Fabi) decided to change tour. We´re going to Varekai!

This blog is going to stay in stand by. I´ll add all those posts here to the new one, so we don´t need to erase The EggSite! Also we can get all the infos we need in the new one!

I want to say THANK YOU to LUCY IFRAH, my dear friend who worked with me to build this blog (the name was her idea!). And thank you everybody else for being in touch and sending infos!

So now, welcome to: ConTouring Life! 

I´m waiting for you there! Now is time to go to ASIA!!!

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Tour Map

Travel Map
8 cities in 2 countries
North America
Canada: Montreal
Canada: Quebec
Canada: Toronto
United States: Boston
United States: New York
United States: San Francisco
United States: San Jose
United States: Washington



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